Season 2 Episode 13
When St. Patrick's Day Comes Around

Paula’s Shepherd's Pie
1 Medium Onion chopped
2 Carrots chopped
1 lb. ground beef,1 lb. ground lamb
1 tsp chopped rosemary,1 tsp chopped thyme
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp tomato paste
1 cup beef broth
1 tbsp. flour
1/2 cup frozen corn ,1/2 cup frozen peas
Salt and freshly ground black pepper.
5 lbs. red new potatoes.
1 cup milk (warm)
8 tbsp. Butter.
Sauté onions and carrots in 2 tablespoons butter. Add ground beef and lamb. After beef is browned, add tomato paste. Add flour to the beef broth and stir until lumps are removed. Add to the beef mixture and cook for 5 minutes. Add Worcestershire sauce, fresh herbs, and adjust salt and pepper to taste. Mix in vegetables.
Cook potatoes in boiling heavily salted water for approximately 15 minutes or until fork-tender. Whip potatoes with electric mixer; mix until moderately smooth. Don't over beat them; a few lumps are fine. Add 1 cup heated milk, and 1/2 cup butter. Salt and pepper, to taste. Whip until mixed. Adjust thickness by adding more milk, if desired.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Spray a 9 by 13 by 2-inch pan, or any similar casserole dish. Add the beef mixture to the casserole dish and then pipe the mashed potatoes on top. Bake for approximately 35 to 45 minutes until top is golden brown.